Breckinridge County High School National Honors Society
NHS (National Honors Society) is a national organization that focuses on community service and scholastic achievement. Students become eligible for membership during their sophomore year. To become eligible, students must have maintained a 3.3 GPA during their freshman year and the first full grading period of their sophomore year. At this time, membership letters will be sent out to those eligible students allowing them to apply. The application process involves having the student list and describe all organizations, community service, and extra-curricular activities in which the student is involved. All applications are judged by a committee of teachers who decide which students meet the necessary requirements for membership.
NHS (National Honors Society) is a national organization that focuses on community service and scholastic achievement. Students become eligible for membership during their sophomore year. To become eligible, students must have maintained a 3.3 GPA during their freshman year and the first full grading period of their sophomore year. At this time, membership letters will be sent out to those eligible students allowing them to apply. The application process involves having the student list and describe all organizations, community service, and extra-curricular activities in which the student is involved. All applications are judged by a committee of teachers who decide which students meet the necessary requirements for membership.
Erin DeHaven